Having a good credit score is essential for obtaining financing, loans and even for approval of credit cards with higher limits. The score is a score that reflects a person's debt and payment history, indicating to financial institutions how reliable they are to receive credit. If you are looking for ways to increase your score, here are some essential tips, as well as apps that can help in this process and that are available for download anywhere in the world.
Pay Bills on Time
Late bill payments can have a significant negative impact on your credit score. Make sure you pay all your bills, including utilities, credit cards, and loans, before the due date.
Get Organized with Finance Apps
- Mint: This app helps you manage your finances by tracking your spending and reminding you of bill due dates.
- GuiaBolso: A Brazilian option that, in addition to helping you organize your finances, offers an overview of your financial situation, including debts and investments.
Maintain a Good Credit History
Avoid closing old credit card accounts, as a long credit history is viewed positively by financial institutions. If you are not using a card, keep it active by making small purchases that you know you can afford.
Monitor Your Credit
- Serasa Consumer: Allows you to check your score for free and offers personalized tips to improve it.
- Boa Vista Positive Consumer: It also offers free score consultation and tips for managing financial health.
Use Credit Responsibly
Keeping your credit usage below 30% of the total limit helps improve your score. It shows that you are not overly reliant on credit and are able to manage your finances responsibly.
Credit Management Applications
- Nubank: In addition to being a credit card with no annual fee, the application offers tools for controlling expenses and monitoring the use of your credit limit.
- Credit Karma: Available in select countries, provides insights into your credit score and how to improve it.
Negotiate and Pay Outstanding Debts
Outstanding debts can significantly lower your score. Try to negotiate and pay off these debts as soon as possible.
Debt Negotiation Tools
- Right Deal: Application that facilitates the negotiation of debts with various companies, allowing you to pay online.
- Quitai: Another option to negotiate and pay off debts directly via your cell phone.
Diversify Your Credit Types
Having different types of credit (such as credit cards, personal loans, mortgages) and maintaining a good payment history on all of them can help improve your score, showing that you are capable of managing different types of debt.
Get informed and financially educated
- Mobills: Financial control application that helps you plan and keep your budget up to date, as well as offering educational content about finances.
Improving your credit score is a process that requires discipline, organization and, above all, patience. Using apps to control your finances, monitor your credit usage, negotiate debts and educate yourself on financial management are important steps on this path. Remember that every positive action towards financial stability is a step towards a higher score, opening doors to better credit opportunities in the future.