See X-ray images with your cell phone

With the advancement of mobile technology, several previously unthinkable features are now at our fingertips. One of them is the ability to view X-ray images directly from your cell phone. This feature can be extremely useful for healthcare professionals, medical students, or even patients who want to have easy access to their medical images. Let's take a look at some apps that offer this feature and how they can be used.

DICOM Viewer

DICOM Viewer is an application designed to view medical images, including X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). It supports the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard, which is the international standard for the storage, exchange, and communication of medical images and related information.


How to use:

  • Application Download: First, download DICOM Viewer from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • Loading Images: After installation, you can upload X-ray images to the application, usually via a DICOM file received from your doctor or hospital.
  • Preview: With the images loaded, the application allows you to view and manipulate the X-ray images, offering tools for zooming, rotation and measurements.

Radiant Viewer

Radiant Viewer is another popular application among healthcare professionals for viewing medical images. It is known for its intuitive interface and advanced features, allowing for detailed analysis of X-ray images.


How to use:

  • Application Download: Available for download on multiple platforms, including Windows.
  • Importing Images: The application allows you to import images directly from medical image CDs/DVDs or through DICOM files.
  • Analysis Tools: Radiant Viewer offers a variety of analysis and visualization tools, including contrast and brightness adjustments, filters, and image comparison options.

OsiriX HD

Specifically designed for iOS devices, OsiriX HD is a mobile version of the popular OsiriX, which is used for viewing medical images on Mac computers. This application is a powerful option for doctors and other healthcare professionals who need to access X-ray and other medical images on the go.

How to use:

  • Application Download: Download OsiriX HD from the Apple App Store.
  • Synchronization with DICOM Server: The application can synchronize with a DICOM server to access stored medical images, allowing remote viewing.
  • Advanced Features: In addition to basic visualization, OsiriX HD offers advanced features such as 3D reconstruction and measurement tools.

Important Considerations

Although these applications offer the possibility of viewing X-rays and other medical images directly on your phone, it is important to note that they are not a substitute for professional analysis by a doctor or radiologist. These tools are complementary and should be used to facilitate access and discussion of medical images between patients and healthcare professionals.



The ability to view X-ray images on a mobile phone is a testament to the incredible advancement of mobile technology and its application in healthcare. Applications such as DICOM Viewer, Radiant Viewer and OsiriX HD make it possible for healthcare professionals and patients to access these images in a practical and efficient way, contributing to better communication and understanding of medical conditions. However, it is essential that this technology be used as a complement to medical diagnosis and treatment, and never as a substitute for professional consultation.

