Apps to meditate

Meditation is an ancient practice that, over the centuries, has been used to achieve a state of calm and mental clarity. With the advancement of technology, this ancient practice found a new way to spread and become more accessible: meditation apps. These apps allow people from all over the world to find a moment of peace and focus, regardless of where they are. Let's explore some of the best meditation apps available for download that can be used globally.


Headspace is one of the most well-known and appreciated meditation apps around the globe. Focused on making meditation accessible, the app offers guided meditation sessions that vary in length, allowing beginners and advanced practitioners alike to find something suited to their needs. In addition to meditation sessions, Headspace also offers mindfulness exercises, bedtime stories, and educational content about mental well-being. Available for download on iOS and Android, this app is an excellent gateway to the world of meditation.



Calm is another giant in the world of meditation apps. This app stands out for its wide variety of content that includes guided meditations, relaxing music, bedtime stories narrated by famous voices and mindfulness lessons. Its goal is to help users reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and achieve greater mindfulness. With a calm and serene interface, Calm promotes an immersive experience of relaxation and inner peace. It is available for download for both Android and iOS devices.


Insight Timer

Taking a slightly different approach, Insight Timer prides itself on its vibrant community and vast free content. This app offers over 30,000 free guided meditations, making it one of the most generous apps in terms of free content access. Sessions are offered by meditators and teachers from around the world, covering a wide range of techniques and traditions. In addition to guided meditations, the application also includes music for meditation, lectures and courses on various topics related to the practice. Insight Timer is available for download on both Android and iOS platforms and is an excellent choice for those looking for a global meditation community.

Simple Habit

Simple Habit is designed to fit into the busy life of modern society, offering short meditations that can be done in five minutes. Ideal for busy professionals, this app helps you incorporate moments of calm and mindfulness into your everyday life, regardless of your busy schedule. With a variety of themes covering stress, sleep, focus and anxiety, Simple Habit offers practical solutions to everyday challenges. Available for download on iOS and Android, it is perfect for those looking for efficiency and practicality in their meditation practice.


10% Happier

Based on the best-selling book of the same name, 10% Happier aims to demystify meditation for skeptics and beginners. With a focus on teaching meditation in a pragmatic and non-mystic way, this app presents a variety of courses and guided meditations focused on developing mindfulness skills applicable to everyday life. Users have access to renowned teachers and a library of content that covers everything from the fundamentals of meditation to more advanced topics. Available for iOS and Android, the 10% Happier is ideal for those just starting their meditation journey.


In conclusion, the practice of meditation has become more accessible than ever thanks to the variety of apps available for download. Each of these apps offers a unique approach to meditation, ensuring there is something for everyone, regardless of your experience level or interests. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine with the help of these apps, you can discover a source of calm and mental clarity, benefiting from the countless advantages this ancient practice has to offer.

